I am a researcher, writer, and cultural producer curious about how technology, urbanism, and ecology produce the world we live in. Over the years, I’ve conducted in-depth research reports on emerging technologies and produced a number of large-scale projects that communicate complex scientific and social issues to a broad public audience on stage, on-site, and online. I also teach, conduct user experience research for tech companies, and do strategic consulting for art institutions. 

From 2016-2022, I worked as a researcher and assistant curator at the HKW in Berlin where I produced a number of multi-year projects that address planetary-scale technology, ecology, and geopolitics through publications, online research tools, and experimental public events.

As part of the Anthropocene Curriculum team I helped coordinate research for a vast international network of scientists, scholars, artists, and activists, investigating the catalytic shifts of the Anthropocene through public programs and field work initiatives.

I also do applied research with tech companies such as the “Web3 Workers” study I did for Other Internet or more broad based user research studies for emerging technologies like AI.

Throughout the years, I’ve also taught at a number of universities around Europe such as UdK, Bard College Berlin, ZHdK, The University of Applied Arts in Vienna, NYIT Summer School, TU Braunschweig, and TU Berlin.

From time to time, I write philosophy essays, give public talks, and compose music.